Staying Focused While Searching for a New Career

With around 57.4 million Americans filling for unemployment since mid-March, it is safe to say that a lot of people are on the job hunt. If you find yourself in this category and feel like you are losing hope while searching for your next role, we have some helpful suggestions to keep you focused.
Don’t Run Away from Your Emotions
For most, a job is more then a paycheck. It’s a large part of how we identify ourselves and when we lose that, we may feel lost or hopeless. Know that you’re not alone. This is a hard time for many and taking the time to grieve and feel angry and disappointed is an important part of the process. Know that these feelings are temporary and take the time to feel what you need to in order to be able to move forward in a healthy and productive way. This is a time to take good care of your physical needs so ensure you are getting enough sleep, eating right, and exercising to increase your endorphins. Give yourself time to process what you’ve been through and take care of your physical and emotional needs.
Have a Routine
Each morning mentally and physically prepare before you begin your job search. When you wake up, take the time to shower and get dressed before you sit down to your computer (extra points if you go for a walk or get in a morning workout). It’s important to block out time in your day for job searching, eating, relaxation, and exercise just as you would if you were working in the office. Keeping some sense of normalcy and routine will help you stay productive and prevent you from feeling like you are aimlessly floating through time.
Create Short-Term and Long-Term Goals
To help yourself stay accountable and on track, create a list of realistic short-term and long-term goals to work towards to help you find your next job. Some examples of short-term goals may be the number of jobs you apply for that week or reaching out to someone in your network who may be a good resource in helping you land your next role. These goals should be broken down into a list of days, weeks, and months.
Learn New Skills
In this competitive job market, staying current and learning new skills in your field can help put you ahead of your competition. Look into online courses or certifications you can complete in the coming weeks or months. Apart from it looking good on your resume, setting and achieving such goals will also give you a feeling of accomplishment and boost your confidence. Learning a new language is another skill that would look great on your resume. According to Forbes, “Nine out of ten U.S. employers rely on employees with language skills other than English, and 56% say their demand for these skills will be increasing over the next five years.”
There will be ups and downs while on the job hunt but staying focused on the end goal and persevering will get you there. Build a support system around you to help rally you on and try the above tips to keep your momentum going.